Wow - I expressed my emotions on facebook after sharing this with the world but am still feeling so overwhelmed with love and support. We can't thank everyone enough for their kind words, messages, porch drop offs - everything. It means the world to us and we are so lucky to have the best support team surrounding us from everywhere, near and far.
Since I've last posted, we got good news from our last visit to Sunnybrook :). The tumour hadn't changed so both the oncologist and OB were totally fine to wait until baby has reached 36 weeks to deliver and do the surgery - exactly as we had wished from the beginning! It was another LONG day at the hospital though. I feel so awkward whenever I walk into Odette (the cancer building) as I'm super pregnant and have always been the youngest person there by at least 35 years. I can feel all the eyes on me. It was about an hour wait before Dr. K came in to see me - and seriously in those hospital gowns that don't breathe in ANY way, not so fun! Anyway, we chatted for a bit to confirm that we are moving forward with the plan at Sunnybrook, she checked the tumour and then I had to go through all the paperwork signing off on the surgery, blood transfusions if necessary etc.
After that it was off to the OB to check things there. The day before going to Sunnybrook I had gone to the St. Catharine's Hospital to get the first of two celestone shots - since the baby is being born before full term I had to get steroid shots to help with babes lung development. So once I got into my OB appointment at Sunnybrook I got the second of the 2 shots. I've become completely used to needles and blood draws at this point but man, those two needles HURT. They go in your hip/butt area, in case you wanted to know, and man do they hurt for the first hour or so! Then we did the standard blood pressure and baby heartrate and waited for Dr. C to come in. We chatted about things then and confirmed 36 week delivery. This puts us at the week of May 25th but we'd have to wait for a specific date as he had some scheduled sections that week already and needed to liase with the oncologist on her availability. Covid has thrown everything - typically they have clinic days and surgical days but because all elective surgeries are on hold there's not dedicated surgery days right now. I then had to go get more blood work done before I could be picked up and finally head home for the day.
This would be our last visit to Sunnybrook before the big day!
Early the next week I heard from the OB. He gave me a tentative date but said we had to wait to finalize as there were SO many logistics to work around. Since I was going to be in the main OR rather than the OB OR, they were pretty sure Trav wouldn't be allowed in. They needed to figure out where he/the baby were going to go after baby was born, where I was going to go after the surgery was complete, where I was going to stay, what the process for the anesthetic was going to be - there was a lot.
The next day I had my pre-op over the phone. This is when the nurse told me I had to have a Covid test :(. Completely understand why, just sucked that I had to feel like my brain was getting probed. (I had it done 2 days after that, it wasn't AWFUL but yeah, stay home. You don't want to have to get that done if you don't have to!) Again, the anesthetic was up in the air. They weren't sure if I was going to be put under for the entirety of the surgery or, like I had discussed with the OB, be given a spinal and then general after baby was born so I can be part of the birth (also I have an awful paranoia that they're going to give Travis the wrong baby so I wanted to be sure I was awake so I could confirm it was the same baby when I arrived back with it and Trav after surgery!). There was also the chance that I might not actually be put under a general for the surgery - they're of course trying to save their resources for covid patients right now so they may just increase my freezing and sedate me so they don't need to put a breathing tube in - I'm oddly okay with this as long as I'm totally unaware of what's going on, because I'd rather breathe on my own than with a tube! So after the pre-op, more waiting for date confirmation.
Finally on Friday, I heard from the OB. Everything was *mostly* set. Date is confirmed. I have to be admitted the day prior in the morning to get prepped and all my necessary blood work done (and surgery could be as early as 8am the next day so best that I'm there and have everything ready). Trav will stay at a friends house not far from the hospital for the night so that he's only 20 mins away when we know what time surgery is at. The day I'm admitted, we'll find out if I'm going to be 'scheduled' surgery or put on the 'emergency list'. The thing is, now Premier Ford has allowed the reopening of elective surgeries so the OR is a bit crazy trying to get all this stuff scheduled in. Once we know when the surgery will be or approximately will be, Trav will know and he is allowed to come to the hospital a bit before that. We are so grateful and relieved with the plan they've presented us for everything. I will be awake for the baby being born, Travis will be in our birthing unit room and they're going to let me facetime him so it's almost as if we're together when baby arrives!! Once baby arrives and everything checks out, the L&D/NICU nurse will bring the baby to Trav in the birthing unit and he'll get to spend a couple of hours with the babe while I'm in surgery. Once I'm done and out of recovery, I will get brought up to the birthing room where we'll be together as a family (sans Ty for now) for the first time. From that point, Trav is allowed to stay at LEAST 24 hours and then they'll revisit but it's looking pretty likely he'll get to stay the whole time with us!!!!! We are SO EXCITED about all of this - it's honestly the absolute best case scenario with everything going on right now and we're so grateful they've been able to work around things with our unique case (honestly, since I won't even be able to lift the baby up for about a month I think it's just easier for them than having a dedicated nurse to be at my beck and call whenever the baby needs to be fed/changed/burped anything). From there, we expect I'll be in the hospital 3-4 days and then able to head home :).
So right now, we have about a week and a half left as a family of 3. We're going to start to get the hospital bags prepped, the infant carseat installed in the car and enjoy the last little bit of time with Ty as an only child (which he makes SO MUCH fun right now as a full on threenager!!). OH! And Travis and I will celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary on the 22nd too! There probably won't be any more updates until after the baby arrives and surgery is all complete but we're so excited to share all of that with you when the time comes!
Thank you all again for the love, prayers and support. Please keep them all up the last week of May when we'll be in the thick of it and need it the absolute most - we feel every ounce of it! We also just realized this baby will be a Gemini - and the symbol for Gemini is twins. How CRAZY is that?!